In the heart of Willow Creek flourishes a dream, Armaa.N Vineyard, with ten thousand vines seeking the Sun

   Armaa.N vineyard willow creek

Armaa.N Vineyard – My love of wine lead me to farming and a desire to participate in the making of great wines from the westside of Paso. When Neeta asked me to plant her new vineyard, her instructions were simple, do everything necessary to grow the best grapes. Do what I would do for my own grapes. So we did, using the James Berry Vineyard farming methods as an inspiration. It was a privilege to participate in this project and to add another great organic vineyard to the area. I look forward to seeing the wines they produce.

Bill Gibbs, GVS/G2/G2N/Heart Stone

willow creek


All about limestone, aspects, and micro climates

With its perfectly aspected southwest facing slopes, limestone-rich foothills, and marine-influenced terroir, the property lies in the heart of the Willow Creek District, which has come to be known as the top sub-appellation of Paso Robles. The terroir of Willow Creek shows in its wines. The best expressions are richly textured and precisely structured, with mineral or loamy accents and ripe tannins. Our neighboring wineries Saxum, Denner, and Linne Calodo have long been regarded as the cult wineries of the region.

Saxum’s 2016 Bone Rock, a block of the famed James Berry Vineyard, received a perfect 100-point score and was praised as “the greatest wine ever produced from the region,” by wine critic Jeb Dunnuck. To rub shoulders with neighbors such as these is indeed humbling, and sets an incredibly high bar for the micro-lot estate wines LXV’s estate vineyard will one day produce.


A chance meeting that led to Armaa.N Gibbs is the grower for the famed vineyards of G2 , G2N and Heart Stone – sites prominently featured in Saxum’s stable of single-vineyard designate wines. He also farms for Clos Solene, Torrin and other wineries that focus heavily on terroir.

A chance meeting with Bill, one evening, led to a longer conversation about the vision for Willow Creek property. Given the range of soil and climate we have within our 13.5 acres, I expressed my desire to plant a vineyard that is specific to levels of clone selection based on the soils and microclimates in the small 2-acre lots.

With Bill’s guidance, we are planting the varieties that have come to resonate with our brand and our soul.  Cabernet Sauvignon Clones 4, 6, and 337 are notably Beckstoffer’s favorites planted in Napa’s iconic To Kalon Vineyard

Of course, we wouldn’t leave out Kunal’s favorite child, Cabernet Franc as well as two different Brunello clones of Sangiovese.

bill gibbs willow creek


The specificity of microclimates

Clone choice is only one of many important decisions when establishing a vineyard. Variety choice, site climate, soil type, vineyard design (spacing, trellising, and rootstock), and annual cultural practices (irrigation, canopy management, and crop load) will impact final wine quality as profoundly as the clonal choice.

Armaan Vineyard - Willow Creek Paso Robles

promote sustainability & organic FarMING


At Armaa.N Vineyard, our farming practices include 

  • No conventional (non-organic) fertilizers, herbicides or fungicides – We do not use herbicides in general (control weeds with tractor work/labor), but all the fertilizers and fungicides we have applied and plan to apply are 100% organic.

  • Winter Cover cropping – This is important for a couple reasons, one is the hope for increased erosion prevention if the seeds can germinate prior to large rains. The main reason to cover cropping is to promote plant/insect diversity, add organic matter, and add beneficial bacteria to the soil via clovers or legumes that aids in the nitrogen cycle. This winter we planted primarily clovers. 

  • Minimal cultivation or tractor work – Not disrupting the soil unless we have to is important to promoting the healthy soil biome. It is also important to keep the limited nutrient dense top soil on the hillside. Erosion can also be from machines/wind. 

  • Compost Tea –  Liquid fertilizer derived from worm castings and also has kelp extract in it for beneficial enzymes. This is important for soil sustainability and promoting a healthy biome. 

SANGIOVESE – Brunello clones

Clone VCR 6 (Montalcino)

Intense ruby red, perfumed and spicy,  with plum and cherry scents; fruity/spicy   flavors; robust, adapted for long aging.

Clone CLONE VCR 23 (Romagnolo)

Deep ruby red; spicy aroma of cinnamon, black pepper, licorice; spicy taste; good body, structure and polyphenols; adapted for long aging and/or blending.

CABERNET SAUVIGNON – clones of the Beckstoffer To-Kalon fame

Clone 4

Known as the Mendoza Clone, originally from Argentina, is a moderate producer with strong flavor intensity. The Clone has very good color, aromas and palate balance, with little herbal character and some spiciness. Common aroma descriptors include blackberry, cooked prunes, tar, tobacco and green bean. Common taste descriptors are cassis and spicy.

Clone 6

Known as the Jackson Clone, was imported to California and planted in local Santa Clara vineyards in the 1870’s. It is a very low producer (3-4 tons per acre). The wines show a very dark color, firm tannins, a strong flavor profile and a distinctiveness. Common aroma descriptors include vanilla, black olive, soy, herbaceous and clove. Common taste descriptors include berry, olive and chocolate.

Armaa.N Vineyard Location:
3690 Willow Creek Rd
Paso Robles, CA 93446

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